viernes, 17 de julio de 2009

Tarea Grupo VAYA

Grupo meta
Multilingüe de nivel B1 , diferentes edades, de 18 en adelante, universitario, modalidad semipresencial

Recursos y herramientas
Grabación en forma de podcast que se puede comentar en el grupo y que se presenta a modo de muestra motivadora, en la que entran en juego destrezas de expresión orales; ejemplo de Wikipedia y nueva entrada (destrezas escritas).

Objetivos: expresarse sobre relaciones humanas
Funciones: preguntar por los sentimientos, dar consejos, definir, hacer valoraciones
Nociones o vocabulario: sentimientos

1 comentario:

  1. Fix Connection server error in Gemini|Gemini support number
    Connectivity errors are quite annoying and to deal with such errors, you must have in-depth knowledge about the technical part. Well, you don’t have to be panic as the team of skilled professionals is always there to assist you. You can always call on Gemini support number which is functional and the team is ready to assist you. You can have conversation with the team anytime to get verified solutions which are easy to execute and the team is there to support you. Talk to the team for fruitful results in no time.
